Skip Booting screen

Some users don't like having to log on to Windows XP. When they restart the computer, they want it to boot all the way to the desktop without stopping at the Log On To Windows dialog box along the way.Follow this trick to get the mission accomplished:

Open Run
Type Regedit
Then go all through the way until u reach here:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon is where you configure the
ability to log on to Windows XP automatically. First you set the REG_SZ value AutoAdminLogon to
1, which turns on this feature. Just remember that this is a REG_SZ value and not a REG_DWORD
value. Next set the values DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword to the user name and password
that you want to use to log on to the operating system. Both are REG_SZ values. Last, set the
REG_SZ value DefaultDomainName to the name of the domain that's authenticating your name and
password. Table below summarizes these values, which you create if they don't already exist.

Table YASH: Values in Winlogon
Name Type Data
AutoAdminLogon REG_SZ 0 | 1
DefaultUserName REG_SZ Name
DefaultDomainName REG_SZ Domain
DefaultPassword REG_SZ Password


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