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HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon is where you configure the
ability to log on to Windows XP automatically. First you set the REG_SZ value AutoAdminLogon to
1, which turns on this feature. Just remember that this is a REG_SZ value and not a REG_DWORD
value. Next set the values DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword to the user name and password
that you want to use to log on to the operating system. Both are REG_SZ values. Last, set the
REG_SZ value DefaultDomainName to the name of the domain that's authenticating your name and
password. Table below summarizes these values, which you create if they don't already exist.
Table YASH: Values in Winlogon
Name Type Data
AutoAdminLogon REG_SZ 0 | 1
DefaultUserName REG_SZ Name
DefaultDomainName REG_SZ Domain
DefaultPassword REG_SZ Password